Many years from now, history books will speak about a person who made a profound impact on the landscape of personal computing. This man changed the way humans perceive computing devices and digital content. At the time when I write this post there’s already a gazillion posts out there that sing the greatness of Steven Paul Jobs. So, leaving out the details, I am going to write about my take away from Steve Job’s life and career. One of the first things that struck me when I came across his videos was that he was an insanely optimistic person. In this video below, Jobs returns to work at Apple, Inc after a decade in 1997 and at this time Apple is doing really really bad.
My Grandfather – a Grandson’s Eulogy
“Life can always be seen through a pair of “positive lens” or with a pair of “negative lens”, make sure you always pick the positive pair and see shortcomings as opportunities”. This is the mantra that forms the foundation of my value system. I have heard this quote in one form or other in many motivational speeches, but the person who instilled this mantra in me right from my very young age was my grandfather.
A Change Called Lokpal
Over the past few months, the Lokpal bill and the anti-corruption movement has gathered a lot of attention throughout India and some parts of the world. There have been many different views on the issue, many variations of thoughts from prominent people like civil society activist, spiritual leaders, industrialists, movie stars and the society as a whole.
The underling message was clear - shout out to the government, the disgust and rage of the people about corruption. Sri Anna Hazare has become a national legend. It is indeed a very difficult battle especially in a democratic society and team Anna has played it neatly and nicely earning both respect and hearts of the masses. Like our PM expressed, I too respect and salute Sri Anna Hazare, team IAC and many others at the ramlila maidan who have lent their support for this cause.